Spaniards are a jovial people by nature, and as such it's only natural that they relish any opportunity to throw a celebration. In Pamplona, therefore, it's only natural that there always seems to be a festival just around the corner.
When: Feburary 3rd
What: Homage is paid to an image of the saint in the Church of San Nicolás, to which the faithful flock to have food blessed. In the area immediately surrounding the churches, numerous stalls are set up and sell pastries and sweets that have already been blessed in this time-honored tradition.
When: Feburary 4th
What: On this day, Pamplona youth parade through the streets commemorating the life of Saint Águeda through traditional Basque songs and instruments.
When: February
What: Pamplona's annual internationaly documentary film festival features a wide range of films classified as non-fiction. Entries pour in from around the globe, all of which seek to open our eyes to new realities presented in a wide range of audiovisual forms. For more information, visit the official festival website:
Easter Thursday
In an act that dates back to 1599 when the city was in the throes of the devastating Plague, the Vow of the Five Wounds is commemorated. As the city's population succumbed exponentially to the illness, the symbol of the Christ's five wounds and his crown of thorns was brought through the streets. According to legend, once the procession was held the Plague vanished from the city. Today, the city council attends the Church of San Agustín donning full ceremonial garb to celebrate the retaking of the Vow and the effigy is then carried through the city in the annual procession.
Good Friday
Good Friday is the most emblematic day of Holy Week in Pamplona. The Procession of the Holy Burial is held, in which the heralded image of Our Lady of Solitude, referred to as "La Dolorosa" is carried from the Cathedral do the Church of San Agustín. From there, La Dolorosa is carried then carried to the Church of San Lorenzo early Saturday morning.
When: Monday following Easter Monday
What: On this day, the effigy of Saint Michael Archangel arrives for its (nearly) week-long stay in Pamplona. A crowd of locals gather ahead of time in the Park of Antoniutti to await its arrival. Once the image arrives, the group sets off for the Church of San Nicolás where it is honored. Throughout the rest of the week, the angel is brought through several churches and official centers. On the following Sunday, the faithful bid it farewell as it leaves Pamplona until the next year.
When: July 6th - 14th
What: For information on the world-famous San Fermín festival, known most for the thrilling Running of the Bulls, check out our special page on the Running of the Bulls!
When: September 8th
What: The Privilege of the Union commemorates the unification of the three parts of the city (La Navarrería, San Cernín and San Nicolás) into one in a treaty signed by King Carlos III in 1423. Each of the three boroughs then lost their individual walls and individual governments to be governed by a single council and enclosed within the same city walls. To celebrate this symbolic day in history, a solemn mass is held in the Cathedral, where a floral offering is made to Carlos III and his wife Queen Leonor, whose tombs are located in the Cathedral.
When: September 25th
While the dates of the weeklong San Fermín festival was changed years ago to the more weather-friendly month of July, San Fermín's actual saint day is September 25th. For several days, Pamplona's old Navarrería district is home to all sorts of activities and events to celebrate the life of the Pamplona-born Christian martyr. Learn more about San Fermín.
When: November 29th
What. San Cernin (Saint Saturnine), patron saint of Pamplona, is heralded for baptizing the city's very first Christians- including future martyr San Fermín. The day is marked by all sorts of annual events, including a parade, a mass and various institutional events, all of which are attended by the city council and accompanied by the city's music band, La Pamplonesa.
December 24th: Olentzero
Olentzero is a much-loved and mythical character of traditional Basque folklore who, according to legend, is a charcoal-burner who comes down from the mountains on Christmas eve in order to leave presents for children throughout towns and villages. Each year on December 24th, he arrives in a lively parade accompanied by children donning traditional Basque garb, the music of choirs and pipers, numerous floats and much more.
December 31st: New Year's Eve
In Pamplona, New Year's Eve is a fun-filled night of costumes and masks almost reminiscent of Carnaval. After a meal at home with families, people hit the town for a night of partying with friends.
January 5th / 6th: Three Wise Men
Pamplona's most popular Christmas-time event is hte annual parade of the three wise men, when Melchor, Gaspar and Balthazar - accompanied by floats, music and an entourage of fellow parders - pass through the streets to the delight of children and adults alike. The next day, families awaken to the gifts left by the three wise men.